Barbara Ehnes
Stages and Concepts

Commissioned work for Wiener Festwochen and Schauspielhaus Wien/theatre premiere
Literary Assistance: Ginka Steinwachs
Editorial team on stage 2013: Doris Arztmann, Marina Auder, Silke Graf, Heidi von Plato, Katharina Serles, Ginka Steinwachs, Mona Winter
Accoustic interventions: Liesl Ujvary
Video montage: Özlem Konuk
Dramaturgy: Elisabeth Burchhardt
Team scenography: Cleo Niemeyer, Agathe MacQueen
“Die schwarze Botin remastered and remistressed 2013” was a research and lecture-based performance project about a feminist magazine from the 1970s and early 1980s that established an "anti-oppressive, satirical, feminist discourse in a total of 33 issues". The production consists of a semi-documentary video installation and a simulated editorial meeting for a special issue of the “schwarze Botin” attended by several of the periodical’s former authors and editors as well as young intellectual feminists of today. Audience members enter a lounge-like space. Afterwards, they are seated on the stage behind the projections to observe the editorial meeting of yesterday and today. Both the performance and the wall news paper in the exhibition were the result of investigation and research – they represented the encounter of two different eras, each with their own unique discourse.